A healthcare compliance company recently approached B-Three Solutions to develop a mobile application that would assist healthcare vendors and providers in meeting and maintaining the various credentials and compliance guidelines required at healthcare facilities.
The product was originally available both online and at kiosks within subscribing healthcare facilities, however, the innovation of a mobile application allows users the freedom to manage credentials without having to login to the online portal or visit the facility-based kiosks.
Developed using React Native and .NET WEB Api webservices, the application gives enrolled healthcare systems the ability to manage their facilities, as well as the vendors who have access to those facilities. Users on the healthcare system side of the product can see which scheduled vendors have the up-to-date credentials required to visit the various facilities within their organization.
It also provides visiting vendors with the capacity to upload the credentials required by each healthcare provider via their phone, or register at a specific facility and receive a mobile vendor badge for identification purposes.
The application was well received by the client and has since been deployed publicly in both the Google Play and App stores for use on all Android and iPhone devices.